Mozilla has come up the desktop browser

A mobile browser, also called a microbrowser, minibrowser or wireless internet browser (WIB), is a web browser designed for use on a mobile device such as a mobile phone or PDA. Mobile browsers are optimized so as to display Web content most effectively for small screens on portable devices. Mobile browser software must be small and efficient to accommodate the low memory capacity and low-bandwidth of wireless handheld devices.

Mozilla has come up the desktop browser market with its innovative approach to add-ons and superior performance, earning itself 21.53 percent of the desktop browser market in the process.

While Mozilla has long lagged in mobile browsing, that seems set to change, if this video demonstrating gestures and other features of Mozilla's rapidly developing mobile Fennec browser is any indication:

Fennec Gestures and Chromeless browsing from Felipe on Vimeo.
Mozilla seems set to embrace and extend its own desktop experience with Fennec, giving even Apple a run for its money in mobile (and seemingly shuttering Microsoft's Windows Mobile efforts completely.

Other Mobile Browsers Are.....

Android browser

BlackBerry Browser


Danger browser


Internet Explorer Mobile

Iris Browser

Opera Mobile

Wapaka Browser

Web Browser for S60

Openwave Mobile Browser)

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