According to some sources, T-Mobile may stipulate that all new smatphones have accompanying data plans, starting as early as June.
The new smartphone data plan requirement apparently will not apply to the BlackBerry Pearl, BlackBerry Pearl Flip, Samsung Behold or Samsung Memoir. It is not clear if customers will be forced into choosing an unlimited data plan or if they will be given a choice of lower-rate data plans with lower data allowances.
Well, let us take this in a positive light - sure, it might be more expensive, but then again, so is the smartphone itself. Right? Tell us what you think.
wow nice blog friend im follow your blog.....
wonder how long it will take before this $30.00 a month forced plan will come down in cost. I have been reading where all of the major cell phone companies are doing this now. we use tmobile and went to buy a dash the other day for my spouse - just to use for the qwerty keyboard, not for the net, or anything. they wanted to force us to buy the data plan. we walked out of the store...